Strategic departments
Energy efficiency

One milestone: Build the first residential building in Aragon (2nd in Spain) to obtain the Passivhaus Certificate and to have another building (81 residential units) certified prior to the end of 2018.
Pablo Carranza
In the last two calendar years, we have implemented our 2017-2020 Strategic Plan, wherein – in terms of sustainability and energy efficiency – the goal is the development of highly efficient buildings with nearly zero energy consumption (nZEB) in anticipation of European Directive 2010/31/EU, mandatory from 2020.
Within this plan, Grupo LOBE aims to build 1,066 Passivhaus-certified homes from 2017 to 2020, i.e. a net usable area of some 126,636 m2. This means that, according to official PEP figures, the equivalent of the CO2 absorbed by 84,424 trees will no longer be emitted, i.e. 5.6 times the size of Retiro Park, Madrid.
The challenge posed has brought about a significant transformation at both the project design and works execution stages, leading to the creation of a specific energy efficiency department.
This new department includes specialists in energy efficiency and sustainability, who are responsible for the building’s energy design and intensive oversight during the construction stage.
All of which enables the good energy behaviour of buildings to be ensured when in use through an official certificate, based on the building studies and energy simulation undertaken.
‘Residencial Scenia II’ received the Passivhaus certificate in December 2017, which was both a notable milestone and a reward for all the effort made. Located in Zaragoza, this building is the first block of flats to receive the certificate in the Community of Aragon and just the second in Spain.
Additionally, this project was specifically mentioned by the German Passivhaus Institute at its International Conference in Munich as one of the 5 most significant projects worldwide to be built in accordance with this standard.
Currently, we have a portfolio of 669 Passivhaus homes across Madrid, Valencia and Zaragoza, with 81 of these expected to be certified by the end of 2018 – a further milestone.