Strategic departments

The customer is after a home that is of ever greater quality, designed better and more energy-efficient.
René Valiñas
From a development perspective, the sector is currently rather complex, mainly due to three factors:
It is changeable, thus creating instability and uncertainty. These changes are happening very quickly, which requires us to maintain strict control over the development at all times and is very demanding as the customer is after a home that is of ever greater quality, designed better and more energy-efficient.
Working from this premise, at Grupo LOBE we have developed a work system that integrates all the participants in the building process into a single, multi-disciplinary team: developer, architect, seller and constructor. This enables close control over the development from the very start all the way through to completion.
This is possible, moreover, as a consequence of adopting standardised solutions and prefab systems which, when adapted to the specifics of each project, allow us to predict the effective cost of the work (and variables) within just a few days.
This system is based on our experience and is being constantly honed through feedback, expanding and refining the database with each successive project.
We are convinced that in the notably changeable and demanding present situation, this is the only possible way to produce high quality housing that meets the initial economic scenario and the lead times set.